What Customers Want in a Coffee Shop

Coffee culture is about more than getting a jolt of caffeine in the morning. In fact, it’s about the holistic experience created by carefully sourced ingredients and the perfect atmosphere. That is why the most successful coffee shops invest in making their spaces almost therapeutic in nature. So what do customers want in a coffee shop?

What Customers Want in a Coffee Shop

Friendly staff, comfortable lounges, and a perfectly poured espresso are a triple threat when it comes to making your coffee shop competitive. So let’s take a quick look to see what small but meaningful changes you can make and how SC Beverage company can help to make your coffee shop dreams into a reality.

Upgrade Your Ingredients

Great coffee is what keeps customers coming back for more. Therefore, you might want to revisit where you source your ingredients if you’re struggling to compete. Pay careful attention to where you’re getting your beans and make sure you’re grinding them fresh every day. You might also consider upgrading the syrups that you use most frequently.

Use Area Rugs

Panel flooring feels sophisticated and is relatively easy to clean. However, adding an area rug here and there is low traffic areas can help to make your coffee shop feel welcoming and comfortable. They are especially useful for visually dividing different lounge areas from one another.

Clean Your Equipment Regularly

In order to make high-quality coffee, your commercial coffee makers have to be cleaned regularly. The coffee pot and filter should be cleaned at least once a day, but every piece of commercial beverage equipment should be thoroughly cleaned in and out at least once a week. Without a proper cleaning schedule, the flavor of your coffee will be altered by whatever additives remain in the system.

Opt for Earthy Tones

Use earthy tones in your paint and décor to create a comfortable space. Greens, in particular, are commonly associated with a calming effect. When paired with darker wood and brown furniture, a well-designed coffee shop can feel like a journey back into a safe, suburban version of nature.

Make the Origin of Your Coffee Known

Given the environmental and economic effects of poorly sourced coffee, it makes sense that customers want to know where their coffee comes from. A simple blackboard can be used to highlight one of your select coffee beans, where it comes from, and the relationship your supplier has built in the community.

Choose Comfort

A few hard chairs can be paired with tables for those who want to work as they sip away, but the majority of your seating should be as cushy as possible. If you’re on a budget, second-hand furniture can be re-stained and reupholstered with relative ease in a handy family member’s garage.

Lower the Lights

Bright white lights are the opposite of comforting. Instead, opt for light fixtures that offer a warmer glow. This will allow your customers to settle in for a cozy cup or two of their favorite brew.

Bring in Books

The ideal coffee shop feels like the private library most of us will never have. If you really want to upgrade the look and cozy feel of a coffee shop, then install a bookshelf. For bonus points, you can introduce a “leave a book, take a book” system. This allows avid readers in your area to swap their favorite reads and build community around your store.

Add Plants

Plants provide oxygen and reduce air pollution, all while making your store feel like an ideal arboretum. A few succulents can be kept near your windows for added atmosphere, and you can literally forget to water them for weeks without them dying.

Play Music

Music is the final key to making the ideal coffee shop for your customers. You can create a playlist yourself. Or use an ad-free subscription to one of the many apps available to provide your guests with some low-volume, relaxing tunes to help maintain their flow.

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