Top 3 Reasons People Drink Coffee

Did you know that coffee is the second most popular beverage in the entire world, coming in just under tea? There are plenty of reasons why this dark and hot drink continues to be so popular. Many people like it because it helps them wake up in the morning, while others find it comforting to drink something warm on a cool day. But what is it about coffee in particular that keeps us coming back for more? Let’s see the top 3 reasons people drink coffee.

Top 3 Reasons People Drink Coffee

At your local California beverage company, our experts are wondering the same thing. What makes coffee so special? Today, we are going to share our research and talk about the top 3 reasons people drink coffee on, what is for most of us, a daily basis.

Coffee is a Familiar Routine

Most of us like to grab a hot cup of joe when we first wake up and brush our teeth. Not only do we see coffee as a big source of energy (thanks to the high levels of caffeine that are found in all non-decaf roasts), but we also find it to be something comforting that we can wake up with during the earlier hours of the day. If it’s too warm outside to brew a piping hot drink, you can always pour your coffee over ice, as it is almost as popular iced as it is hot.

Coffee is a Social Thing

Many cultures around the world view drinking alcohol as a cultural event, using social activities as a reason for good beers and tasty brews. Similarly, people view coffee as a sign of socialization. With a number of locally-owned and brand-name coffee shops on any given city street, these cozy corners have become social hubs for all different types of activities. Many people choose to attend business meetings or even go on romantic dates at the coffee shop.

Social coffee drinking is so popular that articles have even been written in defense of why coffee is the best first date idea. It’s a versatile drink that can be made in so many different ways and combined with so many different ingredients, so there is bound to be something at a coffee shop for everyone to enjoy.

Coffee is Good for You

This might come as a surprise, but coffee actually has quite a few positive health benefits. Everybody knows that caffeine can offer a boost of energy to get you through your day, but doesn’t it also cause a crash? How can coffee also be healthy?

Coffee beans themselves end up packed with vitamins and nutrients that you consume when you sip on the brewed coffee drink. The average coffee bean has great substances like potassium, magnesium, and riboflavin, which are all known to reduce symptoms of diabetes, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Parkinson’s Disease. Not to mention, these vitamins also help to reduce the risk of cancer by strengthening the body’s energy levels.

Get Top-Notch Brewing Systems for Your Restaurant Today

Coffee remains the lifeblood of many. And it stays a staple to have at just about any place that serves food and drinks. If you find yourself looking to set up shop and establish a reputation as the next best cozy coffee corner in town, you will want to get your hands on a few of the best commercial coffee makers and equipment. Without a reliable source of coffee, your menu may fall short. Coffee is too important to too many people to risk not having any available for your customers.

Have more questions about selling coffee and using commercial brewing equipment? Our SC Bev experts are here to help. Get in touch with our pros online or visit us in person to learn more about your commercial brewing options ASAP.

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How Does Coffee Work?

In North America, 90% of people drink coffee daily. Coffee is technically the most commonly used drug in the world. Fortunately, coffee isn’t a dangerously addictive substance. But how does coffee work?

You or your co-workers may be a little crabby before your morning cup of joe. And, you might experience a headache if you go too long without. True, these are symptoms of caffeine dependence. But it is not addiction, as the National Institute on Drug Abuse defines it. The difference is that a regular coffee drinker can decide to stop drinking coffee without engaging in destructive behavior.

Coffee and Your Health

If you weigh the scientific evidence surrounding coffee, then it is hard to deny the health benefits. Of course, as with all good things, moderation is key. Additionally, those with acid reflux should abstain, as coffee will aggravate the condition. For the rest of us, drinking a cup of coffee every day comes with two major benefits. We get a boost in mental performance and improved organ health.

Boosting the Brain

When it comes to your brain, coffee causes two responses. How does coffee work? It results in adenosine suppression and dopamine production. Normally, adenosine works with natural chemicals in the brain to make you feel gradually more tired throughout the day. With coffee, caffeine prevents adenosine from performing this function. That’s one of the reasons why caffeine makes you feel awake.

At the same time, your brain is producing slightly increased amounts of dopamine in response to the caffeine. As a chemical messenger that we also associate with pleasurable sensations, dopamine works as a mood booster and a stimulant. If you notice that you’re a little sharper, you’re right. You will better remember things 20 minutes to an hour after finishing your morning cup of coffee. So, it isn’t your imagination. It’s science.

Lesser-Known Benefits

Most of us are already aware, at least tangentially, of what coffee does when introduced to the brain. However, recent research shows that we should also be paying attention to the role coffee plays in the rest of the body.

Given that the research is new and occasionally contradictory, scientists must continue research. They must work to better understand the complex interactions that result from coffee consumption. The American Heart Association warns that the near impossibility of eliminating all possible factors aside from coffee means that it will take years of research to get closer to the truth. However, early studies are promising.

Keeping Your Organs Healthy

Based on the current data, caffeine and chlorogenic acid appear to be the primary elements with beneficial qualities. As discussed previously, caffeine blocks adenosine receptors. It keeps you alert, but it also seems to reduce arrhythmic heartbeats and positively benefit cardiac health in general.

More definitively, recent research has shown that the chlorogenic acid found in coffee prevents pancreatic cell death. And, caffeine simultaneously works to block harmful proteins from attacking cells. Yet another study found that patients who consumed at least 2 cups of coffee a day saw a notable reduction in hepatic fibrosis symptoms. The researchers are less certain as to what element in coffee has this effect, but further research will help to narrow down the possibilities.

A Cup of Coffee for a Healthier You

Simply put, as long as you don’t suffer from a medical condition that coffee is likely to exacerbate, drinking a cup or two while at the office is probably in your best interest. Now that you know how coffee works, go drink some. SC Beverage offers commercial coffee makers, allowing you to make strong, black coffee for your entire office in a matter of minutes. No gimmicks, just pure coffee.

If coffee is not your cup of tea (see what we did there?), we also have a range of other beverage supplies. Perhaps you need professional-grade soda dispenser equipment. We are also a top provider of beer dispensing equipment in Los Angeles.

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Health Benefits of Coffee Sure to Put a Pep in Your Step

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages throughout the world, dating back to 800 A.D. It’s naturally energizing due to its stimulant, caffeine, which is the most popular psychoactive substance in the world. Below are some studied benefits of coffee. They range from improved brain function, physical performance, and fat burning abilities, to its nutrient-dense and disease-fighting ingredients. To start your customer’s day right with commercial coffee equipment, get in touch with SC Beverage today.

Enhanced Brain Function

Caffeine can many aspects of brain function, including energy levels, focus, memory, mood, and more. Caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream and sent to the brain, according to This blocks the inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine, which causes stimulation. This increases the levels of norepinephrine and dopamine. These increased levels enhance the firing of neurons, improving energy levels, mood, and brain function.

Improved Physical Performance

In addition to the mind, coffee increases adrenaline levels in your blood. This allows you to push yourself harder during a workout. It also has a significant effect on the body’s nervous system and its ability to break down body fat. Your body can use this as fuel during physical exertion. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), this can improve the performance of a workout by an average of around 12 percent.

Fat Burning Qualities

Almost every fat-burning supplement offered includes the ingredient caffeine. It’s one of the only natural substances that increase your bodies natural ability to burn fat. Studies by the NCBI show that caffeine can boost your metabolic rate by three to 11 percent, although regular coffee drinkers may build up a tolerance.


Coffee beans contain many nutrients including vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, magnesium, potassium, and more. These nutrients aid general health, improve immune systems, and more.

Fighting Depression

In addition to improving immediate mood and making people feel more energized, coffee can actually fight depression. According to a 2011 Harvard study, women who drank four or more cups a day were 20 percent less likely to identify as depressed. This also correlated to the majorly reduced suicidal tendencies among the study’s participants.

Lower Risks of Disease

It can also reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, which is a common health problem for millions of people that elevate their blood sugar levels due to insulin resistance. People who drink coffee are one quarter to a half as likely to get the disease.

Coffee has also been known to reduce people likelihood of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, an incurable neurodegenerative disease that severely affects people’s memory and causes their mental health to decline.

Parkinson’s is another incurable neurodegenerative condition caused by the death of neurons that generate dopamine. Symptoms include tremors, a decline in speech abilities, and rigid muscles. According to the Wiley Online Library, those who drink caffeinated coffee have 32 to 60 percent less chance of developing Parkinson’s. Liver health may improve by drinking coffee as well, reducing the risk of cirrhosis, a condition caused by several liver diseases where scar tissue overtakes the liver. Coffee can also protect against both liver and colorectal cancer.

Overall Life Quality

Coffee can boost people’s moods, make them feel energized, reduce the risk of disease and regulate metabolism. It isn’t surprising that all of these benefits show that coffee may actually help you live longer, according to findings from Healthline.

Whether you enjoy a cup in the morning to prepare for an important work meeting, in the afternoon for a pick me up, or an hour before a workout to enhance your ability to push yourself, you may find that coffee is essential to your daily routine. Luckily for you, a daily cup of coffee, or even two or three, has shown to improve many aspects of people’s lives, both short term, and long term. So go ahead, enjoy that cup of coffee.

Commercial Coffee Equipment

If you are interested in purchasing commercial coffee equipment for your restaurant, office, or any other commercial business, SC Beverage offers a trusted array of options and will even install the easy-to-use equipment for you. Share the benefits of coffee with your community.

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