Healthiest Types of Juices

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of our diet because they are a major source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. As a result, juices and smoothies can pack in the nutrients if you know what to look for. With that in mind, let’s have a look at the healthiest types of juices that you can offer using your commercial grade juice equipment.

Healthiest Types of Juices


For people who suffer regular urinary tract infections, cranberry juice is probably already one of your best friends. In addition to helping prevent UTIs, cranberry juice is also great for your general health. It boasts a healthy helping of potassium as well as Vitamins C, E, and K.


Tomato juice isn’t for everyone, but there are plenty of people who do like it. Whereas cranberry juice has higher concentrations of Vitamins E and K, tomato juice has enough Vitamin C to meet your daily requirement and then some. It also contains more potassium as well as a helpful little nutrient called folate. Folate is an important nutrient for pregnant women, so tomato juice is good to have around.


If you aren’t a fan of tomato juice, then cherry juice is a great alternative for getting your daily helping of Vitamin C. This juice is also high in Vitamin E, but keep in mind that you’ll want to look for a low sugar variant, usually tart cherry juice to get the most nutrients with the least amount of additives.


Beetroot isn’t for the faint of heart and should only be offered in its pure form as a form of punishment. If you’re going to include beetroot on your menu, we strongly advise selling it as a “shot” that can be added to other, more palatable juice options in addition to selling it in its pure form for the truly bold.


This childhood favorite has gotten a bit of a facelift with the growing availability of all-natural options. Apple juice is still pretty high in sugar, but it does contain a lot of useful nutrients as well. It contains some essential vitamins, but the real show-stoppers are the flavonoids and chlorogenic acid that help to neutralize free radicals.


Although we may make jokes about prune juice, the truth is that it contains a lot of important minerals. It’s a reasonable source of iron, magnesium, and potassium along with B2, B3, and B6. As a result, prune juice hits a lot of boxes that other juices don’t. However, it does contain a lot of natural sugar, so it is best served in smaller amounts.


Despite pomegranate juice’s rise in popularity, the truth is that many juices contain a much wider variety of nutrients. Pomegranate’s one major claim to fame is its Vitamin K content, which is considerably higher than most.

Acai Berry

Acai berry juice contains many of the same components as apple juice, including flavonoids and chlorogenic acid. It doesn’t stand out from many of the other healthy juices listed, but it is a trend that a business offering juices could certainly use to their advantage.


The king of Vitamin C, orange juice is one of the most popular juices available, thanks to its robust flavor and refreshing aftertaste. It can be used in practically any mixed juice or smoothie to create a more flavorful drink.


Grapefruit juice is a great alternative for people who prefer a flavor that’s more tart. This juice may not have as much Vitamin C as tomato or orange, but it is very near what you need for the day. In addition to Vitamin C, grapefruit juice contains folate, potassium, and Vitamin E.

Regardless of your client base, Southern California Beverage can help you to integrate any of these juices into your current menu with ease.

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