Is Your Business up to Code? Restaurant and Bar Safety Guidelines

When your business serves food and drinks, there are certain regulations to which you must adhere to ensure consumer health is protected. The regulations pertain to employee behavior, food storage, alcohol, and water safety. SC Beverage provides water filters in Orange County which exceed industry standards, so you can rest easy knowing your customers are protected.

Providing Safe Drinking Water

All business owners in the United States– restaurants and bar owners included– are responsible for providing his or her employees with clean drinking water to keep them hydrated throughout their shift. To protect employees, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has set forth drinking water standards and guidelines.

OSHA Drinking Water Standards

● Provide potable drinking water in adequate amounts. [Note: “potable water” does not mean filtered water. For water filters in Orange County, check out SC Beverage.
SC Beverage offers brands like Everpure, OptiPure, and Selecto– just to name a few.
● Provide employees with potable water only used for employee health and personal needs.
● Have a drinking fountain, single-use water bottles, or “dispense drinking water from a covered container with single-use drinking cups stored in a sanitary receptacle.”
● Not allow employees to “share drinking cups, dippers, or water bottles.”

Adding a Water Filtration System

“Potable water” must meet its own safety standards and is therefore generally considered safe to drink. However, if you care about your employees, you may well want to go a step farther and install a water filtration system for their drinking water. SC Beverage offers water filters in Orange County from one to triple filter to meet your filtering needs. Providing filtered water ensures your employees will drink clean, fresh water free from many contaminants that are often found in potable water.

Filtered water dispensers can hook up directly to your water line and remove impurities from treated tap water like chlorine, pesticides, heavy metals, and even bacteria. When your staff has clean water to drink, they are encouraged to stay hydrated. This will make them more healthy and productive throughout the day.

Contact SC Beverage to find out more about your options for water filters in Orange County.

Food Storage

Store food items must be stored separately and labeled by date received, using the first items received first and the last, last. You must have a working thermometer and the refrigeration must be below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.


You have to contact your local city office for a license to sell alcohol. There are different types of licenses depending on the type of alcohol you are selling, and whether or not you are producing it on-site.

Employee Cleanliness

Employees should stay clean at all times, wash their hands regularly, and keep their hair pulled back and out of the way of food and beverages.

Employee Safety

Employers must abide by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. OSHA will visit and inspect your location to make sure you meet their health and safety standards for employees.

Other Restaurant Inspections

Usually, restaurant inspections are done by the County health department — but each state has its own restaurant health inspection procedures. There are many violations for which restaurant and bar licenses can be, and have been, suspended.

How to Find Out More About Specific Regulations

All businesses have to obtain certain state and federal licenses and permits, and the food and beverage sector is no exception. In fact, it is commonly thought the stakes are higher in this industry because your choices affect the consumer and his or her health and safety.

To find out which licenses and permits you are required to get, visit the state and federal agencies’ websites. You can find many helpful links on the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) food and beverage guide.

Another good way to find specific information is to contact your industry association. In California, the California Restaurant Association can give you information about issues related to restaurants and bars. If your business is in another state, contact the National Business Association for a list of state restaurant associations. If you can, you should try to meet with a representative so you can have a full conversation and get completely filled-in on all the details you need for your business.

Water Filters in Orange County

SC Beverage is a preeminent company providing sales and distribution of any beverage need. For all the systems we provide, clean water is one of the most important. With innovative ideas, exceptional customer service, and high-quality products, we pride ourselves on giving you the best experience on the west coast. SC Beverage provides engineered water filter systems for both commercial and residential sites. When you need a water filter, SC Beverage is the clear choice. Call (562)463-8918 or leave us a message here to request more information.

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